Transforming Retail Training with Storyteller Studio: Closing the Engagement Gap
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By the end of her first week working for a major foodservice company, Alex is already burning out.
Illustration by Dominic Giardini
Exhausted by PDF and video training, she’s ultimately “thrown into the fire” in order to learn the hundreds of complex new processes she’s required to master. This results in several messed up orders and more than a few costly mistakes. When equipment breaks, it’s her job to tell irate customers why they can’t have their order.
Not only does she lack confidence, Alex feels like an imposter in this new role.
She's already wondering how much longer until she quits...
Unfortunately, this is an all too familiar experience, and captures the lived experience of millions of frontline workers today. The truth is, even as retail companies continue to shift to digital training, today’s tools are boring, ineffective and drain the industry of billions each year.
More than ever retail brands face a knowledge crisis. Frontline workers, from foodservice to skilled service workers—critical to operational success—are stuck with outdated knowledge tools like PDFs and videos that fail to engage and are hard to follow. This sets off an all too familiar chain of outcomes that negatively impacts both workers and business as a whole, creating cycles of inefficient onboarding, burnout, churn, and knowledge loss, as well as increased service costs, operational downtime and lost revenue.
The challenge is clear: it’s time to rethink workforce training to meet the needs of today’s frontline workers.
“Training is paying someone else for their time to learn your business. The entire time you’re training them, they’re not doing the job you hired them to do. Then to have them leave, often before they’ve even mastered the role and have to start all over again. That gets expensive quickly.”
– Training innovation manager during early customer discovery conversation
Case Study: Storyteller Studio in Action
Our major retail client was struggling to train employees on a new equipment rollout. Their existing training—consisting of PDFs, web-based videos, and in-person coaching—was costly, slow and ineffective. In the particular case of a new equipment rollout that would be going into all stores, they found store employees required multiple months to gain confidence in working with the new equipment using existing training methods, and service tickets for simple issues were piling up, costing the company time and money. As one shift lead we spoke with described, “Overnight all our tribal knowledge for how to do this one part of our job suddenly became outdated. Nobody knew how to do their job.”
With the realization that seasoned workers were suddenly now on the same footing as new hires when it came to using and maintaining the new in-store equipment, our client realized the need for a true modernization of their training and support tools for in-store teams; especially in terms of immersion and real-time availability of tangible knowledge.
Through discussions with their home office training teams and operational stakeholders, it was clear they needed a solution that could:
Engage employees, activate learning, and build confidence quickly through hands-on training
Reduce preventable service calls through step-by-step 3D guides that anyone could follow
Be completed in a short amount of time (~15 minutes), usually right before a shift
Deploy rapidly on in-store devices (tablets and laptops) without requiring additional hardware investment (like AR or VR), and alongside an entrenched LMS solution
Have the ability for the home office team to make constant updates to content and update in-field apps at runtime
Effectively embrace the unique brand standards for the company, including branding, environment and apparel for characters, etc
Allow them to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of in-field training
Breaking down the problem
From conversations with frontline workers it became clear there is a major disconnect between the training they receive and the skills they need to develop in order to be effective at any job. A 2023 Harvard Business Review report estimated that companies lose over $10 million annually for every 1,000 employees trained due to ineffective training and poor knowledge retention.
“This just isn’t how I learn,” one food service worker told us, in regards to the new PDF training they had received. “I want to practice and try things for myself, but there’s never a good time when serving customers.”
This type of “flat information” like PDFs and videos simply fails to engage us, with our brains retaining little of the disparate facts they’re able to file away. It’s no wonder then workers report low confidence, high anxiety, and repeatedly refrain from tackling even routine issues as they arise.
Learning industry experts have long known that immersive, hands-on learning, whether in-person or virtual, is the fastest way to learn something new. Where 'flat information' is ineffective and gradually burns us out, a well-made simulation has the power to not only immerse learners but engage them on a fundamentally deeper level. This form of ‘active learning’ engages more of our senses, pushes us to want to overcome challenges inherent in mastering a new skill, and is inherent in how humans forge strong and lasting memories that they can rely on in the moment. This is critical to success in most industries, yet most companies do not adopt simulation training solutions.
The Engagement Gap
In talking to training teams we began to notice a “gap” between the quality of training experience any learning team was able to create, and the compounding risk around complexity and cost associated with the tools and pipelines required to create those experiences.
For example, simulation may be the best way to learn, but who exactly is going to create this content? How? And what exactly should it do? Do you use the a generic off-the-shelf VR training subscription or hire a team of artists and developers to pursue a goal with no clear outcome? How will you update and expand this content over time? What about accessibility? Privacy? What’s the right balance between playful and professional? Do you need to invest in a thousand VR headsets? How do you discern viability, successfully pitch a strategy, or measure success? As many seasoned learning leaders can attest to, most simulation efforts die in-between the numerous hurdles, or gaps, that a team must navigate. Despite the potential for incredible outcomes, it’s understandable then why most companies still consider simulation learning a risky investment.
Every year companies invest in flashy proof-of-concept tools like AR or gamified experiences, only to find them too costly, complex or difficult to integrate with existing systems- or even worse, that they don’t resonate at all with workers. Without clear strategy, a seamless deployment plan and simple sustainment strategy, well-intentioned training innovations quickly become obsolete or unsustainable.
At the end of the day the need for engaging, scalable training is undeniable, but most solutions don’t address the many operational hurdles inherent in existing services or DIY solutions. Rather, we believe companies require an enterprise-ready solution that delivers both captivating content and effortless content management in one simple to use platform.
The Hypothesis: Closing the Engagement Gap
Bridging this Engagement Gap requires more than just delivering interactive content. A successful platform must offer dynamic, decision-based learning experiences that engage workers and empower training teams to easily create, update, and manage simulation content at scale.
Can you imagine a world in which nobody ever complained about boring training ever again?
Key Research Insights
Through customer discovery and conversations with frontline teams, we uncovered three key insights that shaped our strategy:
Employee Engagement: Frontline workers engage most when they become the hero of the story. Through cinematic, interactive simulations—especially popular among younger workers—employees build confidence by tackling real-world challenges in an immersive environment.
Device Compatibility: VR headsets and third-party hardware are often non-starters for anything beyond initial pilots. Companies need solutions that work on existing devices—tablets, smartphones and laptops—without costly hardware investments.
Content Management Flexibility: No training solution can survive without adaptability. Teams need the ability to create, customize and update content themselves in real time. Self-service content management is critical to keeping training relevant and reducing costly production updates.
“I’m not a technologist. I want this to be as simple as making or updating a PowerPoint.” —Early customer interview
These insights helped shape the design of what would become Storyteller Studio, and with it a new, streamlined approach that allows anyone to create highly engaging and highly effective simulation stories in minutes rather than months, and for a fraction of the cost.
Using this as a new benchmark for what was possible we began to reimagine the first week as a new retail employee, and with it set a bearing for our pilot training experience…
It’s Alex’s first week as a new retail trainee and her team just received their new interactive 3D training and troubleshooting tools on their store iPads.
Illustration by Dominic Giardini
Not only can Alex practice core skills and complex processes in a safe and rewarding environment— she and others on her team are empowered to maintain and troubleshoot most equipment and facilities issues that arise, thanks to step-by-step 3D troubleshooting guides. They can even practice soft skills and challenging customer interactions through "choose-your-own adventure" style stories tailored to each individual’s role.
The difference here? Alex doesn't feel like an imposter; she feels like she's only at the beginning of a journey of growth and professional development— and she's excited for more.
What We Made
The final training experience consisted of multiple training and troubleshooting ‘chapters’ workers could choose from, each only a few minutes long. These blended together immersive simulation scenarios featuring AI characters and tailored 3D equipment with interactive moments wherein trainees needed to make choices to drive the story forward, like choosing the correct steps to assemble a customer order or dealing with top known service issues that could arise. Through explorative, hands-on learning, employees found a safe environment that allowed them to experiment with the new equipment and processes first hand.
An overview of our Retail Training Demo, featuring simulation training and equipment maintenance guides.
Working collaboratively with the client we helped craft content direction and 3D art direction in recreating a bespoke store environment. Additionally we added all the interactive equipment, props and tools to their team’s private prop library, allowing anyone on their team to use them across future chapters and stories.
Measurable Impact and Value
Over the course of a 3-month in-store pilot, we tracked key performance metrics, revealing significant improvements for both workers and the business:
Accelerated onboarding: Workers self-reported greater levels of knowledge and confidence after a single 15 minute session using the Storyteller Studio training content compared to 8 weeks using traditional in-field training methods.
Significant reduction in preventable service costs: Armed with dozens of detailed, interactive 3D guides we empowered workers to resolve many issues on the spot, reducing downtime, revenue loss and service ticket submissions.
Real-time content updates: The training team was able to continuously adapt the simulation training content based on worker feedback and evolving operational best practices, making numerous iterative updates along the way- keeping material relevant.
These outcomes translated into substantial savings, reducing service costs and boosting operational efficiency across the board, and had a huge impact on worker morale:
Big Wins
"This is safe, it’s hands-on. It’s how I’ve always wanted to learn.”
—Retail trainee
“I’m totally confident that I could fix any issues in my store with a tool like this- I actually feel like I can do the job I was hired to do!"
—Retail shift lead
"The ability to create and update content in real-time is a game-changer. We can keep our training relevant without having to reshoot costly videos."
—Training lead
Storyteller Studio’s reporting dashboard provided training and business teams with radically new insights into the efficacy of employee engagement, as well as revealed areas for rapid improvement.
For example, when they saw many employees abandoning a particularly long chapter they were able to quickly condense training knowledge and speed up some of the longer interaction moments to keep engagement high while still delivering the same quality of learning. In another case, they saw where many trainees were choosing an outdated and now incorrect path in the order of assembling a customer order. With this in mind they went back and added an extra ‘page’ in that chapter to reinforce the learning goal and pushed that update out instantly. Together, we were able to see choices improve and the issue correct itself in real time.
We were also able to find numerous value-add ways to provide custom integration touchpoints for the client, including working through the business’s own MDM solution to deploy to their existing fleet of in-store devices as well as establish a pipeline for sending reporting data to their existing LMS.
Conclusion: Transforming Retail Training
Beyond engaging content and operational flexibility, this pilot proved that frontline workers increasingly expect training and tailored knowledge tools to not only immerse them in a bespoke scenario, tailored to the actual role they are looking to grow in, but to recognize them as heroes on a professional learning journey. More than gamification and interactions, being able to weave together effortless cinematic storytelling, as well as allowing them to navigate divergent paths and unique outcomes based on the choices they made, was critical to the success of any training modernization strategy. With this in mind, Storyteller Studio provides the tools teams need to easily craft and scale tangible and professional storytelling efficiently and truly engage with their frontline workers.
As we watch the digital learning market surpass $325 billion by 2025, clearly the pressure is on for retailers to adopt scalable, effective training solutions that activate workers in entirely new ways. With Storyteller Studio, you have the tools to create immersive, scalable training that transforms your workforce.
The only question is,
what story will you tell?
Contact us to explore what’s possible.